Blood Pressure Cost me Ultra Tokyo 2019

High blood pressure is the silent killer, this is my story, the early signs were there doctors warned me that I will have to go into medication, and after years fighting it, I was put under Carvedilol and HCTZ, and pressure went down for 5 years, then in 2016 after a little luck with exercise I stop the pills, first the BP stayed normal, but with stress and diet little by little the bp started sneaking back up.

Ultra 2019 VIP Tickets…omg

I tried to control with over the counter vitamins and supplements mainly from an online retailer, some vitamins had great and promising reviews, I tried several, 2017 went by, blood pressure kept creeping up, 2018 came in and blood pressure kept coming up, then in 2019 right after I purchase a pair of VIP Tickets for Ultra Tokyo 2019, I had a mini stroke, cause by the high bp, it cause a small bleeding inside the brain, I stayed in the hospital for 5 days, for 2 months my right side was out of control.

It took 5 days for the doctors to control the blood pressure, after lots of trials and trials doctors came up a five different drugs, yes I dropped 2 pills played a game of Russian Roullette with my health for 3 years, and now blood pressure won the game, again, I stuck with 5 different meds, the bp is controlled is always 100/70 it was never that low that I remember.

For a couple of months I was afraid of traveling so I have to make the decision to skip Ultra 2019, with Gods help I will be able to attend 2020 Ultra Tokyo. In conclusion take your meds, and check your BP at often as possible.