Does Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

Does Yoga Help You Lose Weight
Does Yoga help you lose weight? a practice that helps you connects between your mind and body. There are different types of Yoga and it is found that it helps in leading a stress less life. Some type of yoga stretches on mindfulness and meditation while others on strength and endurance. Everything is required for your mind and body and that is why yoga is so prevalent.
The question is while it helps in meditation, is Yoga useful for losing weight too? The one line answer is it is. If you want to know more why, then read on
Yoga helps you in losing ways due to the following reasons
You can lose weight when you can burn more calories than you intake. This is the simple equation. So this calorie deficit can be achieved by burning calories through exercise or eating fewer calories or trying out both. Thus, yoga as a part of the equation helps in burning calories.
There are different types of Yoga posture that are well-known for burning calories. You can practice those that will help in reducing the different between calories intake and outtake. Vinyasa oe Bikram posture of Yoga are well-known for helping in reducing weight. They are of aerobic style yoga that helps in burning more calories.
You must remember that while you lose weight you lose your muscle mass too! That is not expected, but it happens. When you try to burn calories muscle burns more calories compared to fat. Thus, you lose muscle and it becomes tough for you to maintain your muscles. Yoga again comes handy because it helps you maintain your muscles while you practice it.
There are postures that when practiced for long will help you maintain your muscles. If you try harder you can even build muscles while you lose fat and weight.
You may not know but a sound sleep is necessary for losing weight and burning fat. If you are stressed then you cannot sleep soundly. This will have adverse effect on your weight lose regime. Thus, you need to be stress free,
Again yoga comes handy. By practicing different yoga postures you can meditate and thus be stress free. Stress builds the cortisol hormone. This in turn makes you feel hungry, you do not want to sleep and other effects that will adversely affect your weight loss practice. Thus, by helping you in these three ways yoga helps you in losing weight.