Explained: Why Yoga & Music Form The Ultimate Duo

Why Yoga & Music Form The Ultimate Duo
Many yoga experts recommend beginners and advanced practitioners to listen to harmonious music while doing yoga poses. The playlist should be something nice and calm. It will help guide your practice. It can be something relaxing, zen or meditative. You may wonder if they both combined will provide you with benefits or not! For many, performing different yoga poses in silence can be somewhat tough than with background mind-soothing music.
Yoga’s goal is trifold. It strengths the spirit, body and mind. Hence, most yoga types are found to include asanas (poses), meditation, and stretches. Yoga poses when accompanied with music helps improve overall experience.
Benefits derived
- Relaxes the body: Yoga nourishes the body. Shavasana or Relaxation is a vital component. However, it is not just sufficient to embrace it fully. It is here that music can help. It clears you mind, not have those cramping sensations or feel distracted with thoughts. Music allows you to relax. This is achieved by redirecting awareness towards your body.
- Promotes concentration: Music is undoubtedly good for overall health and well-being. You enjoy enhanced focus with soothing music playing in your background. This allows your spirit and mind to practice the different poses properly and deeply. Soft, instrumental music will make you get accustomed to the poses easily and effortlessly.
- Get into flow easily: With music playing in the background, it is easy to flow through even tough asanas. Breathe, follow the beat and you are sure to enter a meditative state while practicing the pose. The beat provides you with an objective to focus upon while providing a great rhythm to follow. You can even retrieve if you lost track of own breath.
- Detoxifies body and enhances satisfaction: With music playing while you practice yoga, you can never go wrong. While listening to music, you absorb more oxygen since you breathe with the rhythm. It allows production of dopamine (happy hormone) along with serotonin that causes happy mood and calmness. This is the kind of mind that is required to practice yoga. Besides this, it also helps lower down your blood pressure, cortisol levels and heart rate.
- Lowers or eliminates stress: At times, the day’s happenings tend to come back to your mind when in complete silence. A few may prefer to listen to music while others workout. Listening to a relaxing playlist and doing yoga poses will be a better way to unwind yourself. It can transform your mind easily into a positive and mindful state.
From the above, it can be understood that yoga and music are the perfect duo.