April 22, 2021 fzangerolame@aol.com Blog, Public Health 0
What is Ikigai?

Read the full article here.
How to Meditate Properly

Meditation is a way to deal with preparing the brain, learning how to meditate properly is like how wellness is a way to deal with preparing the body. Meditation helps one to create all other characters, have a peaceful mind, maintain and enhance focus, reduce anxiety, and become more thankful and keener on life.
Likely, in particular, it assists with understanding one’s mind and how it works. Without meditation, it is hard to comprehend what is happening inside your head — it would simply occur like you are following the brain’s orders like a machine. When meditating, the entirety of that occurs, however to an ever-increasing extent, you become mindful of what’s happening. You can easily settle on a decision about whether to follow the orders. You comprehend yourself better (not totally, yet better), and that will give you expanded adaptability and opportunity. Read the full article.
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Finally Happened, technology, timelines, quantum jumping…
This morning when I got back from the gym, it finally happened I caught my Alexa making plans with my printer to order ink because the printer was running low, I was so surprise and happy, like I told before I grew up with the Jetsons, before the Internet, I always had that vision of the future, flying cars (still waiting) and robots in the house, it was a simple piece of code, the printer and Alexa found each other inside my home network, they were (still for now) asking for my permission to place that order and make the purchase, I had no idea the printer was running low on ink and since I use this printer a lot when I am working from home, I felt that the machines were working hard to keep their master happy, and the master’s Boss happy by keeping the home office up and running…Read the full article.