Finally Happened, technology, timelines, quantum jumping…

This morning when I got back from the gym, it finally happened I caught my Alexa making plans with my printer to order ink because the printer was running low, I was so surprise and happy, like I told before I grew up with the Jetsons, before the Internet, I always had that vision of the future, flying cars (still waiting) and robots in the house, it was a simple piece of code, the printer and Alexa found each other inside my home network, they were (still for now) asking for my permission to place that order and make the purchase, I had no idea the printer was running low on ink and since I use this printer a lot when I am working from home, I felt that the machines were working hard to keep their master happy, and the master’s Boss happy by keeping the home office up and running.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) concept. Deep learning. GUI (Graphical User Interface).

Then for a second I got scared, what if the machines were going to play a prank and order a home massage for me, as a surprise, I totally played that Risky Business scene for the first house call Tom Cruise had, and I was laughing of the thought, I already included the ink order on my weekly purchase list, and congratulations to Epson and Amazon for making two pieces of equipment work together so seamlessly, technology is here to make life easier and I only hope the company (no names here) that makes Ear buds that need your GPS position to work properly learn from it, no wonder they were given out for free.

Software will keep your working from home life running smooth, you can order groceries to be delivered to your front door, and once you compute the time it takes to get ready to go out, drive to the shop and make a grocerie run  and to come back that’s  almost 2 hours, if you were to spend this two hours creating 2 quick Youtube videos for your channel and one video goes viral and then you get to monetize that video, and you start making $1000 /month (really there are 20 year olds making US$24,000/month with less than 20 videos) from the ads on your video that will come up to US$ 12,000 per year from one trip to the supermarket that you did not do. Your time is valuable make it count.

I know this is a hipotechical scenario but it could happen to you if you use the technology to your advantage, learn new skills Youtube is free, you get used to the ads, once you can afford get the version without the ads, there is a video about anything right now, and you can learn new skills, almost anything the Youtuber Caffeinated blogger teaches on Youtube works in 2021, (he is from Australia) and there are so many different ways you learn new skills, check out my post on Working from home and Fiverr.

If you stop fighting technology and let it in your life, soon you will see the results, keep your plans to yourself, let everyone see you brand new car, but they don’t need to know how you got there, it is better this way, not everyone believes and if you still reading this post, thank you, assume what you are, and what do you want, be clear on your goals if you were born rich you probably got the correct programming about money, but you may need to work on the relationships and self esteem.

Hourglass on the background of office watch as time passing concept for business deadline, urgency and running out of time. Sand clock, business time management concept

But if you were not on that group, you got the Mon-Fri (9-5) program, that you have to work at least 40 hours/week to get somewhere in this life, yes I know this program too well, but what if you could slowly start applying technology to change that, what if you could program your mind to check the other reality that is waiting to materialize in your life (Quantum Jumping) it can happen to you, but will only work if you change your mind, and your beliefs.

What if, back to technology, you invest in a smart power outlet (controlled by Alexa 😊 ), that will be connected to your TV and Monday to Friday will TURN OFF your tv at 6 PM YEAH no TV even if you want, its going to hurt like crazy, evening is for meditation, relaxation, quality time with your significant other, now you have a problem if you still have to go out to work, you better be home before 6 PM if you want to catch some TV time, 15 minutes of news, its ok, and 30 mins of your favorite movie its fine, as long you don’t react to it, make sure the news and the movie are not having any emotional impact.

Saturday you can also program the power outlet to allow TV until 10 PM, so that give you time for that date night movie, some binge watching and some Funny Cats videos, that will bring your emotions to a high level, remember emotion is the KEY, just visualizing your future will not work, or will take 10 years for what you could have done in 30 days, life is super short, and is ok to be rich inside and outside, if a Yellow Lamborghini is what you want GO for it. And for Sundays 7 PM is good enough. Sound easy but if you are like me, I took forever to stop bypassing the outlet programming, I watched Lost in one sitting, because of the Ninja Turtles scene, it was fun, but did it change my life? Who knows.

Maybe during the time I was binge watching I did not get involved in an accident or I avoided someone evil in my path, as Paulo Coelho said in his amazing book the “The Alchemist”, the timelines are playing all at the same time, the YOU that woke up at 4 AM and will buy your first Mercedez AMG tomorrow is not the same YOU that skipped the gym and slept in till 7 AM and died of a heart attack, yes it was painful to walk out today at 39F degrees, but every moment of your life is about timelines, I like the explanation on Back to the Future II is on the ball, every moment.

Being present to every moment is crucial BREATHING IS THE KEY, if you cross the road looking on your phone and not being present is a timeline split right there, in one timeline you make to the other side, in the other you did not make to the other side…what a shame. Be present and look both ways before you cross.

Crazy how I can start talking about Alexa and my printer and end talking about timelines and law of attraction, oh well this is me, don’t forget to check on Youtube for timelines collapsing OR quantum jumping, You can do it and it could change your life. Keep working for that 9 to 5 until your other projects start generating a second, third and fourth income stream. Believe you can do it. Don’t tell anyone shhhh.

To recap: use technology to your advantage, take the time to learn the tool you are using on a daily basis, Evernote will make you sound so smart, you can create a note for every project you are working on you can have one for Family for your Netflix password, Starbucks etc, one for your Boss, one to track your companies EINs, and so on, if you are working with music you can save all your UPC codes and your IRSC codes inside an Evernote note, did I mentioned its free?

Remember recurrent income is the way to go, it took me less than one hour to write this post, it is mine, is unique, it will be on my blog forever, if anyone is searching for timelines, or home technology, you may find this article, I may place affiliate links here, so I may get some revenue from this simple sharing of ideas.

Technology can make your life easier, imagine the other timeline (they are infinite) where there is no Internet, and you have to hunt to eat, let me not digress, lets stay in this timeline, Internet, Netflix, Amazon Fresh food at my door, air conditioning and heat YUMMY, little things some of us take for granted, lets say thanks and enjoy it, in honor of our doppelgänger that are sweating right now, hunting for food. Did I mention there is timelines where there is no Cruise Ships? (can’t wait to resume that too)

It took us a while to bring Alexa in the house, but now she is part of the family, it started as device to help with the English language, then music and odd Google searches during parties, to a full scheduling assistant, yes you can say Alexa “remind tomorrow 11 AM to order a Fiverr gig”, and she will including in your phone if you have the App installed also, you can visit and create reminders in the there when you are in the office OR when you not able to speak outload.

My favorite is Alexa “add bacon to the shopping list” when you are doing your groceries, you load the Alexa App and everything you mentioned during the week will be inside your shopping list. Be patient it takes a while for her to learn your accent, but it will be worth it. And bacon will be there, so in a way Alexa will help you BRING THE BACON Home…be safe and wash your hands for you and for me.