Research studies reveal that fragrances influence your mood. They allow you to get rid of emotional problems which cause stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Moreover, fragrances allow you to create a better environment in homes, offices, and other places. If you are highly exposed to scents, they will improve your mood which helps achieve the best results. Most people face emotional problems in buildings due to bad smells.
The effects of fragrances in your life
Many fragrances these days come with aromatherapy properties and effects that will offer positive mood changes. Moreover, leading fragrance companies work diligently in creating high-quality products that cater to your needs.
Here are some benefits provided by fragrances that come with aromatherapy qualities.
- Uplifts your mood-Fragrances such as Vanilla, Jasmine, and Rosemary can uplift your mood, and allow you to fight against mental fatigue, and improves your memory intention
- Relaxation-You can use fragrances such as Lavender, Rose, and Chamomile to promote relaxation and induce sleep quality
- Alertness-Cinnamon, peppermint, and Lemon fragrances are ideal for you to stay focused and active. Furthermore, they will also influence your task performance.
- Energy promotion-Using fragrances allow you to improve your mental clarity and energy levels thereby helping to focus more on your activities
- Promotes motivation– Some fragrances such as basil, nutmeg, and lemongrass enable you to feel motivated and give ways to accomplish your goals
What can scents do for your company?
Fragrances involve different types and using them in your company will result in more benefits, and some of them include:
1. Improves employee productivity
Different fragrances can improve the environment in your company which will influence the emotions and reactions significantly. Furthermore, they provide methods to enhance the productivity of your employees.
2. Enhances your company value
Using fragrances in your company creates the best impressions on guests and clients that can enhance the value. Moreover, they show ways to build your brand image.
3. Increases indoor air quality
Fragrances in a company allow you to increase the indoor air quality, and your employees will stay in workplaces for long hours.
How to choose fragrances that suit your lifestyle?
You should know the types of fragrances available in markets that will help gather more ideas. At the same time, you should learn which fragrances will improve your mood or bring your feelings. Most fragrances use natural and essential oils gathered from various natural resources. Some of them also come with aromatherapy features that will help ensure a pleasant smell.
The way a fragrance affects you can be very subjective, however there are some general rules that you should follow if you’re looking to wear a fragrance with the intention of having an effect on your own mood.
The first rule is that unlike with a traditional candle or oil, which can be burned multiple times before they burn out, a perfume cannot be worn more than once, before or after it. Also unlike with candles or oils, a scent cannot be worn in the heat of the day because the scent will break down. This means that if you want to wear your favourite perfume in the morning, you should wait until it’s cooler before starting your day.
The second rule is that regardless of your mood when you wear a perfume, it won’t smell as good as if you were wearing it without any intention. In other words, no matter how much you think your perfume is affecting you, it won’t smell as good.
The third rule is that individual fragrances can have an effect on people differently. Some people are sensitive to strong smells whereas others don’t mind their fragrances being stronger than usual. Additionally some people are more open to new smells and can become sensitized to weaker smells too quickly. It’s therefore important that you stick to a certain range of scents so that no matter how strongly you like one particular fragrance, others won’t seem as appealing too.
And this page will not be complete without some of my personal notes, I purchased and own all fragrances above, from the vendor linked, which I am an affiliate, any purchase via the links will not cost any extra to you, and I may received a commission, Blue Amber grew on me over time, still is a perfume a use for me time alone, but I love it.
The other ones will give you a different look, vibe in life, combined with meditation, exercise, good diet, having a perfume that will make you feel different could be the key to a new life, remember the last minute of the “The Secret”.
Below is someone who helped me understand how to use, spray and allow fragrances to change my life. Hope it will change yours.