How to meditate with crystals?

Photo by Deena at Pexels
Meditation is a good practice that makes a person stay away from mental disorders and other problems. Nowadays, the technique uses some materials such as stones, crystals, and candles to increase focus because they help in deep meditation. The primary advantage of doing meditation with crystals is that they provide ways to increase consciousness and awareness of the inner self. However, those who want to perform the practice should keep certain things in mind that will help obtain optimal results.
Knowing the types of crystals
Before doing meditation with crystals, people should know the types in detail that will help them choose the right one accordingly. This is because each crystal comes with specific purposes that give ways to meet exact needs in the meditation process. For example, amethyst crystal is ideal for those who want to enhance their intuition and clear negativity. Similarly, aventurine crystal helps to boost energy and decreases stress levels which promote a calm mind.
How to start meditating with crystals?
Anyone who wants to start meditating with crystals should follow the below steps to get the desired outcomes.
• Setting the intention– Meditators should determine their purpose and choose crystals after knowing their properties. Furthermore, they should consider choosing the right place that is quiet and calm which is free from disturbances. Another thing is that they should select a comfortable position before starting the activity.
• Holding crystals in the right hand-Those who want to perform meditation crystals should make sure that they have cleaned them properly. They can get ideas on how to cleanse crystals. The next step is holding the crystals in their right hands with their closing eyes to develop a tangible connection with them when meditating. By holding a crystal in the right hand, a person can swap energy energies and vibrations and feel its energies.
• Placing crystals on the chakras- Chakras are a series of energy points on the body and people can place crystals after knowing them correctly. A person should lie down to perform this activity that will help gain more advantages.
• Going slow-A person should take his/her time when getting out of the meditation to reap the benefits. He/she can continue doing the activity with each stone. Also, people can note down the changes they experienced in a journal. Finally, they can end their meditation by connecting with the breath again by opening their eyes. One should follow the instructions properly while doing meditation with crystals.