Morning Yoga For constipation – The Solution!

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If you’re anything like most people, you probably suffer from constipation at least occasionally. This isn’t a disease — it’s just the natural result of the way our bodies work. Once or twice a week, your body will go through a process known as stool formation (also called “stooling”). During this process, microscopic hairs in your bowels known as blades begin to churn and form small solid stool-like pieces called enteroliths. These stones are commonly found in mineral waters and can also be created by regular usage of laxative medications or drinking excess amounts of water for too long after eating. These stones may not be pretty, but they can cause serious problems if they get stuck in your intestines. That’s why regular yoga practice can help ease constipation — it helps increase circulating levels of natural laxatives so that they work more effectively. Check out these 5 common reasons why you may be constipated and discover the perfect yoga pose to help relax you and de-stress your bowels at the same time!
1) Your Stooling is a Natural Reflex!
There are many reasons why you may experience constipation at times. Some people tend to have more frequent bowel movements than others. Others wonder if certain foods make them constipated. While everyone’s stool pattern is unique, there are some general guidelines that apply to most people. Your first priority should be to assess your body’s health. If you’re experiencing any of the following signs and symptoms, your body is likely constipated: Strong abdominal spasms Increased flatus Moody or teary eyes Jaundice (a yellowish color to your skin and eyes, often accompanied by stomach pain) Pale stools Sore throat An indication of a more serious condition such as diverticulosis or inflammatory bowel disease may indicate why you’re not defecating normally. Keep in mind that the cause of constipation can often be treatable with natural remedies.
2) You’re Eating the Wrong Type of Food
Many people think that because they’re constipated they have a “stooling” problem. This isn’t the case, though. In fact, your colon is just as capable of absorbing water as any other part of your body. What you’re actually experiencing is a “watery stools” problem. If you’re experiencing watery stools, your colon is absorbing too little water. This is usually the result of a diet high in starches and sugar. The solution? Try taking a high-fiber, low-sugar diet. You may also want to consider increasing your daily water intake to help rehydrate yourself and promote a “slimer” feeling in your stomach.

3) You’re Exercising Too Much
If you’re working out regularly, you may be putting unnecessary stress on your body. Besides doing damage to your joints and slowly wearing yourself down, regular exercise is good for your digestive system. It increases levels of mineral and vitamins responsible for keeping your body healthy. However, doing too much. If you’re doing strenuous workouts, you may be putting yourself at risk for diverticulosis, an inflammatory bowel disease. This is the leading cause of digestive tract cancers worldwide. Choose a moderate exercise regimen and you’ll stay healthy and happy!
4) You’re Not Drinking Enough Water
The connection between water and your digestive system has been proven over and over again. One of the best things you can do for your digestive system is to drink lots of water. This is especially important if you’re prone to constipation. Not only is it a good idea to go to the bathroom after a meal, but it’s also recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. If you’re not drinking the water that your body needs, your digestive system will be left weak and vulnerable to illness. This can lead to a variety of conditions, including watery or full-blown diarrhea. If you’re not drinking enough water, you may also experience a dull or heavy-feeling stomach. This is a sure sign that you’re not drinking enough water.
5) Yoga eases Constipation!
If you’re experiencing constipation, you may want to try yoga. Constipation is often accompanied by abdominal spasms, which can make the task of sitting in a pose — any pose — very difficult. Some yoga poses are designed to ease spasms, including the downward-facing dog, the head-to-knee, and the crab. Other poses are more direct, including the pawing movement and the camel. All of these poses are designed to relax your abdominal spines and open your intestines, allowing more water and minerals to flow through your system. Check out these 5 reasons why you may be constipated and discover the perfect yoga pose to help relax you and de-stress your bowels at the same time!
The connect between your stomach and your bowels may be a little more complex than you first imagined. Even though you’re able to absorb water from your stomach, your bowels still need time to work away undigested food. To get the best out of your body, it’s important to assess your health and eat a balanced, healthy diet. Once you’ve got your daily intake of nutrients and vitamins, proteins, and fats dialed in, you can start practicing yoga at home or at the studio to help with your constipation.