Waiting for the 6 Pack Pill

Yes, I am waiting for the 6 pack pill this morning we had 30 F with thermal sensation of 24 F, with our gym still under construction, and after being released form high blood pressure medicine I promised my Doctor to keep at least 3 hour/week walk. When the weather is warmer the walk is not as bad. But at 24 F thermal sensation it is painful, it takes 3 layers in the bottom and 4 layers in the top, I had two SACOs on my neck today…then a beanie on my head. Yes I enjoy the music in the headphones, when the gym was back working, I had great catch up sessions on Netflix or Amazon Prime while walking the treadmill, I have seen amazing Sunrises, on my first Disney Half Marathon, January 2006, I saw parts of the Disney park only open to the Marathon/Half runners, and it was amazing, I even saw some one passed on the floor, not sure if he make alive out there or not, do I enjoy routine exercises, sometimes, but in order to keep the health under check, in my case the high blood pressure, but what is there was another way to keep my health.
Its January 2030, eleven years from now, in the morning, my future me, wakes up, prepares breakfast, and with the food, he takes a not so big but not so small 6 Pack Pill it was approved by the necessary authorities, back in 2022, and works like a charm.
How would this pill work? It will be an amazing feat of a young group of millennials after reading an article in the internet, maybe this one kkkk…lol…(time travelers think about that)…so it will 100% safe to the human body but deadly to werewolves, within 30 days will burn 90% of you belly fat already bringing all the benefits of the weight loss and the other benefits of the lack of belly fat, then will increase the body ph. levels to the point that no disease will able to develop, will drop the blood pressure to natural levels, and if the person already have good blood pressure will keep the blood pressure to safe levels. Will have massive dose of antioxidants, and stress release components, will work the same for male and females.
After 30 days on this pill, and average subject will have a perfect six pack apps, since the drug also help to tone the belly muscles, perfect blood pressure, perfect heartbeat, since there is no stress anymore in their bodies they will always in the great mood, there will be a variation of the pill with energy boosting capabilities, recommended for ravers or late night workers that want/need the extra boost, now exercise will an option, if there is a beautiful day and you are in the mood to walk with your love, or listening to your favorite pod cast, like walking meditation, go for it.. and smoke your favorite cigar later, and the new pill also block and reverses all the effects of cigarette smoking as we all know from the classic Stargate movie, the human body is so easy to repair.
May 2019 be full of blessings to everyone and may the right scientist get the seed/idea planted here and get busy working, because I am tired of working work, and not smoke.
PS: Six pack pill works best with 6 bottled of water spread through the day.