What are the benefits and drawbacks of meditation on consciousness?

what are the benefits and drawbacks of meditation on conciousness
Photo by Maik Kleinert: Pexels

If you practice meditation on your mind, you’ll learn to control it, increase your concentration and improve your stress levels. You’ll also unlock the power of your unconscious mind and learn how to tap into your own creativity and intuition. In this article we discuss the benefits of meditation on consciousness, what it is, its techniques and why you should start meditating regularly. We also share our top 5 favorite mindfulness meditation apps for iPhone and Android.

What is meditation on consciousness?

Meditation is a practice that leads you into a state of stillness and mindfulness. When you practice meditation, you are attempting to enter a state of consciousness that is slower, more detailed, and more flexible than the consciousness you have during everyday life. If you have ever tried to focus on one thing for long periods of time, you’ve probably found that your mind is not only restful, but it also acts as a recorder. Your attention is continuously wandering, but because you are willing to give it up for a while, you start to notice patterns in your behaviour that may lead to actions that you didn’t anticipate. Meditation is a way to bring your attention back to the present moment by encouraging you to notice what you are thinking and feeling. This practice can also be used to tackle problems and challenges in your life, as well as improve your relationships with others.

Why learn to meditate?

We spend most of our day acting on autopilot, which means that we’re not really paying attention to what’s going on right in front of us. We’re so used to being in the driver’s seat that we fail to see what’s going on in the backseat. From time to time, we also need to take a break and refocus our attention on what’s in front of us. Meditation is a tool that can help you do this. By consciously engaging your attention and diverging it from the things that are distracting you, you are able to slow your thoughts and gain insight into your thoughts and feelings. Once you start meditating, you may be surprised at how much peace and clarity of thought you have.

The benefits of meditation on consciousness

If you practice meditation, you will notice that your mind is less scattered and you will be in a state of higher concentration. When you are in a state of higher concentration, you are able to think more clearly and deeply because you are less likely to be interrupted by your thoughts. This state of consciousness is called “meditation on consciousness.” The basic techniques of meditation on consciousness are listed below. -Set a timer for 15 minutes. -Close your eyes. -Focus on one thing for a few seconds. – Tongue out. -Keep your attention on one thing for a few seconds. -Close your eyes. -Notice your breathing. -If your breathing becomes irregular, notice it and return to whatever you were doing before. -If your mind starts to wander, return to whatever you were doing before and notice what you are thinking and feeling.

What is mindfulness meditation?

Mindfulness meditation is a focused form of meditation that aims to be very present and non-judgmental. It is similar in purpose to simple concentration exercises, but differs in that it is designed to be more mindful and continuous. While concentration practices are limited in that they only allow you to be fully present for a short amount of time, mindfulness meditation is open-ended. You are free to use the meditation timer to set a limit on how long you are allowed to be in the state of mindfulness, but it is important to note that this practice is not self-exercising. Instead, it is a tool that will help you increase your insight and learn how to deal with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Tips for beginners when starting to meditate

-Find a quiet place where you feel at ease. -Find a comfortable seat (in a chair, sofa or bed) and arrange some blankets or a sleeping bag if you are chilled during the meditation. -Close your eyes. -Imagine that you are in the presence of your favorite person. -Notice what that person is doing. -Try to remain aware of your breathing. -If you feel comfortable with your breathing, go for slow, deep breaths as well. -Pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling, without being judgemental or trying to solve problems for yourself. -Remember that you are not alone and this meditation is for you. -Meditate for as long as you need and then relax and sleep if you need to.


If you are looking for a way to calm your mind, reduce stress and feel happier in your everyday life, meditation may be the right thing for you. Sure, there are other ways to achieve this, but when you meditate you are literally trying to focus your thoughts and attention on one thing at a time, which will help you relax, sleep better and achieve a happier mood.