When meditation doesn’t work

Photo by Dhivakaran S from Pexels

You may have finally planned to start meditation to derive the benefits that your friends are enjoying. But it could be that it is simply not working for you. Moreover, you may find it difficult to practice and only feeling frustrated much more than before. The truth is that the pressure to achieve things quickly drives many people crazy and compels them to lead a stressful life. You may feel to be the on the receiving end most of the time. Hence, you could be pressurizing yourself to put on the best performances in whatever task you undertake.

Meditation to eliminate pressure & stress

It could be that you have been practicing meditation for quite some time with great enthusiasm. Every day practice might be around 30 to 40 minutes than what was suggested by others. But still, you fail to achieve the set objectives. Why? You may have read several articles titles with an image of a man or woman sitting on their desk in cross-legged position. They probably may have their pointer fingers and thumbs pressed together. Every executive is required enhance their game up the next level through mindfulness. It can help you to become more creative and smarter. It increases your bran size something that you might not be aware of.

Besides this practicing mindfulness can also help improve relationships significantly be it at work or home. It also reduces anxiety and stress while enhancing overall well-being and health.

But why meditation seems to not working for you?

Perhaps, you might be of the wrong opinion that mindfulness is meditation and vice versa. But this is not so. Being a first-timer, you might get overwhelmed with it as both practices are quite similar and they tend to overlap. Try to find out both terms with Google search and you will note that both are used interchangeably.

The truth is that meditation can be performed in several ways. It can be termed to be an act of lying in calm meditative or relaxed sitting state. You need to select a reference point, often your breathing in & out and being aware of your arising feelings & thoughts. Accordingly, you should bring back your attention towards your breath.

But mindfulness is giving more attention to your feeling and thoughts arising at that moment. Meditating regularly and properly allows you to become more mindful.

The reason for meditation not to work is because you may forget to practice mindfully during times when you require it the most. Focusing on this will allow you to reap in the benefits.