Working from home
Working from home tip Part 1
Working from home used to be a stigma, now we all know someone that is(was) making some side money with Uber or Lyft or the other ridesharing companies, with the virus situation everybody is instructed to stay at home, if you are an office worker most likely besides the paper pushing (physical) in the office everything else you can do from home.
In this series I will cover what I know about the gig economy, and yes some of my links are referral links, if you have a problem with that please change the channel now. If you are not an office worker most likely the time you will be able to stay at home will be limited, and reduction of income (or loss) is greatly possible.
Do I believe the Federal and State Goverments will step up to help, yes I do, but sometimes you have to do something to show the Universe your will, and the Universe (replace with what you believe) will bring back to you in kind.
The gig economy is here, and it is going not going anywhere. Sadly there is a learning curve for everything, the lady who is making US$ 100K in Fiverr, did not start yesterday, she had to learn video editing skills, computer skills, Microsoft office skills, customer service skills, set up Paypal skills, how to monitor and reply customer questions, if takes her 5 days to really complete an video, creating a Fiverr Gig with 3 day delivery is ask for trouble, know your capabilities, also if you are a super star with lots of Facebook friend and create an account today, and tomorrow all your friends order from you, chances are someone (working from home) may find it suspicious and close your account, they are just like that.
Remember create your account, start slowly, take the time to review other people Gig in Fiverr, and compare to what you can do.