2020 What a crazy year!!!

Photo credit by https://pixabay.com/users/alexas_fotos-686414/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4975917
2020 What a crazy year!!!, thank God we have made it to December 2020, if you are reading this you are among the lucky ones that are still alive, in honor of the ones who did not make, lets live our lives to the fullest lets make 2021 count.
Keep yours masks on and keep washing your hands, as soon the covid shots come out, lets make an effort to take it, lets stop this madness and keep building our lives to the best we can.
Partying like crazy
Lots of jobs were lost, some were able to work from home, some had some savings, to live by, some got help from the government, no matter where you stand you are here reading this, and now what to do, mankind changed, the world changed in less than a year, life as we know is out the window, simple things like going to the movies, or traveling to Miami to your favorite electronic music festival.
And when you get to Miami, party like crazy for 3 days are things of the past, I truly hope with the vaccine will change all that (and we can resume partying again), and that we all learned the lessons 2020 had to offer us. 2020 What a crazy year!!!, as we count the last weeks of 2020, keep learning new skills, your public library has resources to make your new electronic life best.
Youtube is free, and lots and lots of people are sharing what they have learned, Lynda.com is an amazing site, Master Class, is there, and there lots more, Phoenix University is teaching online since the beginning of the Internet, now due to 2020, the rest of the educational system is following the online, distance learning tendency,
The energy of the World has changed, 2020 brought great sadness to thousands of families, and like the years after the wars, great growth will happen, 2021 is the going to be a year after another great war.
Like fighting a War
A war we fought against Covid-19 and I hope from the bottom of my heart we will win, thousands of great soldiers, human beings with great lives ahead of them are no longer part of this planet.
We stayed and is our duty to live the best life we can, as soon you get your shot(s) get cranking, help the economy, invent something that invention will generate jobs, some factory somewhere will have to produce it, in order to produce the factory will have to purchase raw materials, in order the get the raw materials, someone else will have to hire employees, the domino effect is infinite, no action will happen without a reaction, keep living (keep swimming, like Ellen D. said, keep swimming).
As a global consciouness we have created 2020, and as global being we will learn to the take the best from it, lets make it happen.
Planet Earth Human, Grandpa, Husband, Covid19 Survivor as of today