Basic Facts About Trademarks: What Every Small Business Should Know Now, Not Later

USPTO - Trademark Basics
This video is a must for anyone interested in starting a business to sell a product or offer a service. It highlights the important role of trademarks in that process, including a discussion of how trademarks, patents, copyrights, domain names, and business name registrations all differ. It gives guidelines on how to select the right mark—one that is both federally registrable and legally protectable. It also explains the benefits of federal registration and suggests resources if you need help with your application. By the end of the video, you’ll understand why having a trademark component of your business plan is critical to your success.
NOTE: The run time for this video is approximately 42 minutes, so please allow adequate viewing time. If you do not have time to watch at one time, you may wish to watch the Basic Facts about Trademarks animated series, which covers the same information using user-friendly visuals in shorter video segments. Alternatively, if you wish to read the information (instead of watch a video), you may download the Basic Facts About Trademarks booklet that covers the same material.
After watching this video, if you have any questions about proper mark selection (one that is both federally registrable and legally protectable) or the benefits of federal registration, please feel free to email (link sends e-mail). The Office may answer general questions, but may not provide specific legal advice. For legal advice, please consider contacting a private attorney who specializes in intellectual property.
Before filing your application, be sure to watch the Trademark Information Network (“TMIN”), the USPTO’s news broadcast-style video series that covers important topics and critical application filing tips.
Este video es indispensable para las personas interesadas en establecer una empresa para la venta de productos o para la oferta de servicios. El video enfatiza el papel fundamental que desempeñan las marcas registradas en ese proceso e incluye una discusión sobre la diferencia entre las marcas registradas, las patentes, los derechos de autor, los nombres de dominio y los nombres comerciales.
El video demuestra las normas que deben de seguir como guía para seleccionar una marca que se pueda registrar al nivel federal y que se pueda proteger jurdicamente. También, explica los beneficios de registrar su marca al nivel federal y le provee otros recursos en el evento que necesite ayuda con su aplicación. Al terminar el video, Usted entenderá porque tener una marca registrada, como parte de su plan comercial, es esencial para su éxito.