Healthy Weight Importance

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels
Importance to have Correct & Healthy Weight
Maintaining a healthy weight has immense benefits. Your body looks slim along with keeping you physically fit and active. Moreover, you are at lower risk for certain diseases such as stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and cholesterol.
Keeping a healthy weight also makes you avoid obesity. Obesity is a growing concern for many people. Especially it is more common in growing adults. This is because of a lack of enough physical activity and eating junk foods.
Improves Heart Health
When you have controlled body weight, your heart health also improves along with it. Increased body weight indicates early plaque build-up in the arteries. These may harm your heart health, and you may be at greater risk to develop heart problems. You are also at greater risk to develop heart failure because of overweight. This is because your heart fails to meet your body’s requirements to pump blood effectively at a steady rate. Thus, you need to keep a healthy body weight so that your heart health remains at optimum condition.
Lowers Risk of Diabetes
Keeping an ideal body prevents the risk of diabetes. This is because obesity and diabetes go hand in hand. When you are overweight, your physical activity also comes down with it. Apart from this, overweight also results in inflammation and higher levels of fatty acids in your body. This leads to insulin resistance in your body, and you develop the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
Improves Fertility
Overweight can cause disruption to your fertility. Most of the infertility issues are because of this overweight problem in adults. Overweight has adverse effects on your ovulation, irregular menstruation, and as a result, your fertility suffers because of overweight problems. The ideal weight to conceive a healthy baby is having a BMI of around 20-25 in adults.
Better Sleep
If you have an ideal weight, then it may help to have better sleep. This is because your belly fat interferes with your lung function. When you are overweight, it puts extra pressure on your lungs to expand since you are fat and these fats lot of obstruction in the breathing spaces. This breathing problem can lead you to develop sleep apnea causing you to awake the entire night.
More Energy
Gaining extra body weight also restricts your energy to stay active. You will feel more lethargic, and the will to do physical activity fades away since you become fatigued. However, keeping an ideal body weight makes you more physically active since you become mentally fit to exercise. It also allows you to move your body more as compared to having an overweight body.
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