New normal life in 2020

The New Normal in 2020
New normal life in 2020, we made to May, some states are re-opening, some officials are asking us to be cautious, we are coming back to a new normal, for the lucky ones that can stay working for home nothing changed, for the ones that have groceries home delivery, why not stay safe, at home a little longer, is one less person spreading, or getting sick, and everyone can still help.
You still have to eat, so plan your groceries tips, check the website for the hours and rules, wear your mask, keep your social distance, do your part, just because an online billion dollar company took your order 8 AM, gave you a pick up slot next day 4 PM, deducted the money from your bank, and you plan to get it done safely, it does not mean it will happen, and sometime around 9 PM on the day before the pick up slot, you will have a very cold email saying something like this, due to the high demand of the items from your order, really Tabasco Sauce, Dr. Teals Epson Salt and Beer, your order has being cancelled, of course the money is refunded and you are stuck without the basics of life, so please have a plan B, and do not trust the chains 100%.
Support your local restaurants, use services like Doordash or Uber Eats, they will do a no contact delivery, make sure to transfer all food to plastic containers and dispose the packaging, tip your driver, our economy needs any help you can do. Need stuff buy online, if every person spends a percentage of the stimulus check online, its enough to keep certain online companies, not that they deserve, afloat, but the employees that work for those companies deserve to continue working, so do your part and shop, online, shop as hard as you can, learn new skills, the world is changing and who knows how far this change will take you and your family.
The new normal life in 2020, is here, use napkins to hold door handles, use pens to push elevator buttons, and cashiers keypads, if you can program one of the Google Pay, or Apple Pay forms of payment, and the vendor accepts it, the only keyboard you will touching is your own telephone.
Some vendors are rushing out the door with signs and stickers, and they do not take the time to check the spelling, I know the intentions were good, but the sake of our children, and some picky adults lets spell check the order before sending to the printer.
As usual some or all links on this post and site, are affiliate links if bothers you oh well, stay safe, like a great TV persons say be kind to everybody, be safe.