Working from home
Working from home tip Part 1 Working from home used to be a stigma, now we all know someone that...
Working from home tip Part 1 Working from home used to be a stigma, now we all know someone that...
Reposting WhiteHouse.Gov Content as possible. PLEASE be safe!!! 15 DAYS TO SLOW THE SPREAD Listen to and follow the directions...
Garlic for Corona, Folks the source is unknown but since I like Garlic, and I believe is may help here...
Uber Eats and Corona Virus, during this times of crisis, we still need to eat and support or local business,... Homemade hand sanitizer
Team be safe during this threat wash your hands and keep them clean. Official source of information CDC and...
Some of you are watches lovers, Rolex is being around for years, its classy, old school, some people look at...
In a timepiece having an electronically designed read out, an improved means which makes it possible to manually operate and...
Read the Rolex Design patent here. Notable inventions and patents Among the company's innovations are: In 1910, the first watchmaker...
Congratulations Post on all the success and recent victories, I must confess I did not know you until recently when...