Pandemic Bacon

Pandemic Bacon
Pandemic Bacon shopping during a pandemic
Well hope you are safe at your home quarantine and your income is coming nicely as discussed in other postings, you have your home purchases, but you start running low, on the basics, like beer, bacon and tabasco sauce, you need to reload, my suggestion for a safe shopping trip, check your local supermarkets, some are offering Senior shopping hours Tuesdays and Thursdays, some are opening late, my suggestion is to go as early as you can.
Assuming they got some toilet paper (in case you running low) chances of finding TP will be better at 6 AM than 5 PM dont you agree? Shopping during a pandemic is going to happen, sooner of later you will ran of something, and your local, state and country economy depends on it. Now the check list, mask, hand sanitizer, cloves (plastic bags will do) game plan, social distance awareness, and you are ready.
Keep in mind some places will not have cashiers super early so be ready to self check out, if you got a cart full, good luck with it. Now my pandemic bacon story, I could find my bacon, low sodium fat free, etc etc, since I live in a small apartment I tried not to pour the left over fat so I collect it in a jar, to my surprise this bacon I found, had left than half of the fat left by some of the others “healthier choices” and smells deliciously sweet, like bourbon, even when it was raw.
Back to the check list. When you get home if you car is safe leave everything that not require refrigeration in there for 24 hours (48 will be best) and only bring inside the refrigeration items. Wash your hands, drop your external clothes at front door, or washer. Then proceed to clean the surfaces of all your food items before putting in your refrigerator.
For your mail do the same, if your order food, the same. Remember to ask for no contact delivery and BE SAFE. We will get through this together.