Traveling During the Pandemic 2020

Traveling during the pandemic 2020
Traveling during the pandemic 2020. Yes airplanes are back in the air, little by little, my preferred carrier cancelled my flight back in April, yes they gave me a credit until 2021, bla bla bla, I used an alternate carrier life is good, thank God my flight was last than 3 hours, wearing a mask is uncomfortable, really if you thought going to the supermarket with a mask was bad, wait until you travel, yes this was a must fly trip, 21 year old birthday of someone I love, and saw come into this world, I other travel, hum London, wait for me, is on hold until this craziness calms down, but flying still beats driving for 3 days, and stopping for gas, bathroom and hotels, yes I am a slow driver and the bp meds make it worst.
Traveling during the pandemic 2020. What I saw? I saw 99% compliance, I saw people removing the masks when the fly attendants were not looking, I saw people wearing full body plastic suits, with faceshields and masks, it was scary, I saw whole families with Coach styled face masks, that was cute, some airport have all chairs labeled with the social distance marks, great job FLL, other airports need to learn. The carrier I flew, provided masks if necessary, and a small bag with water, snacks and a cute 1 ml Purel pack, never seen before, it was great.
I have being using hand sanitizing for years, so now I feel at home with everybody doing the same, I saw lots of people wiping the seats, belt buckles, arm rests, windows plastic handles, before they site down, like it was normal. I know the airlines are doing the same, one suggestion try to catch the first plane in the day, so statistically you will get a cleaner plane.
I heard on the news someone got banned from flying because he refused to wear a mask, folks this is not the time to fight, this is the time to comply, focus on the final destination, and what you are going to do over there, if you are not driving, a nice calming pill will make the flight pass faster, get your headphones, I treated myself to a new Crusher, just for this trip, if cost 3 times less than the competition, it has a crazy bass button, be careful with it, but it help to play relaxing music, and feels like you are flying First Class. The battery last forever.
TSA was super fast, PreChek even better, just comply, arrive safe, dont spread anything soon we will get a cure of some kind, lets honor the dead by living the best live we can, the system is not perfect, everybody is human, change is happening fast, do not get caught non complying, the flight system right now has zero tolerance for that. And 3 hours flight is much better than 3 days driving, and stopping by places that may OR may not be cleaned.