Uber Eats and Corona Virus

Uber Eats and Corona Virus
Uber Eats and Corona Virus, during this times of crisis, we still need to eat and support or local business, Uber Eats is a great option, why? Instead of you being inside a restaurant with 50+ people that may or may not know how to behave during this crisis, you stay safely at home. You install the Uber App, select the local food close to your home address and bam!!! Food is delivered to your door.
No getting ready, no driving, no human contact (sad but important now) the reason I am writing about Uber Eats is because is the app I use the most, there are several other options, but this is my choice, I never paid much attention to Uber Eat, but last year I went to London and none of the places online took my credit card over the phone, so it was a pain to get food ordered to the apartment I was staying,so I remembered that I had Uber installed in my phone, and I tried the delivery and WOW IT WORKED.
During my stay in London I was able to order food from Uber Eat almost every day without any credit card hassles (the billing address is not UK) was the most common error I was getting. Not with this pandemic Uber Eats and Corona Virus seems to be a perfect solution to follow the “SOCIAL DISTANCE” mandate from our officials, and we can still support the United States economy because we are putting money in the Restaurant pocket, the Uber Driver Pocket and Uber pocket, everybody wins.