What Is the Best Yoga for Headache?

What Is the Best Yoga for Headache?
What is the best Yoga for Headache? When you have a body you will have problem, the good news is yoga has different poses that helps you dealing with these problems. Most people suffer from headache nowadays. There may be various reasons for that. Stress life. Untimely eating habit and other lifestyle problems lead to such situation. While many people will say that they are suffering from headache, the symptoms will vary from one to another. The reason behind this is the cause of headache. It can be from stress, dehydration, a hangover or tension. Whatever it is you need to deal with it positively and that is what Yoga helps you to do!
There are different Yoga postures that will help you minimize your problem even not cure it totally. Here are they.
Seated Neck Release
For tension headache, neck is often the culprit and if you can help it, your headache may reduce. Try this simple posture of Yoga. Sit in a comfortable position and keep your spine straight. Take your left hand and put it on the right side of your head. Hold there for few breathes. Then repeat the same posture with your right hand and left side of head. After few times you find that the intensity of headache has reduced.
Viparita Karani
You need to relax the muscles of your neck when you are suffering from headache. Put up your legs up the wall. It will helps in relaxing the neck muscles and your body too. To start with you have to sit on the mat with your right hip touching the wall. Gradually, lean back on the mat and put up your legs up the walls. Your legs should be placed together and butts much touch the wall. Once done put your hand on your belly and relax. Deep breathe for 3 to 10 minutes and then rest. You will find your pain reducing soon.
Adho Mukho Svanasana
This is one of the most common pose of Yoga and also known as downward facing dog pose. For beginners it may seem tough but it’s simple if you follow some steps. Come to your fours first. Your back should form a table top. Your feet and hands will be the legs of the table. By breathing out lift your hips up making an inverted v shape. Hands and legs should be width apart. Hold the posture for few breathes and relax there. Your head should hand between the shoulders. This asana helps you get rid of back pain, fatigue and stiffness in your back. As it helps in additional flow of blood to your head, it helps in headache.