What is Transcendental Meditation

What is Transcendental Meditation
What is Transcendental Meditation? Transcendental meditation is regarded as a set of Hindu meditation techniques that include chanting a mantra. Often, this mantra is only the name of some Hindu god. According to followers and leaders, one needs to spend only 20 minutes for two times every day in transcendental meditation. The practitioners, as they say, are in a state of restful alertness at that time.
How Does it Work?
During a session of Transcendental meditation, the body is in a deep state of peaceful relaxation, although the clarity and alertness are maintained. The practitioner chooses an image or word, possibly a cultural or religious symbol with some special significance. As he or she repeats this image / word, the body enters a state of restfulness – deeper and even deeper. This kind of meditation session may last 10 – 60 minutes. One has to practice it in a relaxed, calm setting with the least amount of distractions and noise.
The brain, during transcendental meditation, enters a theta brain wave pattern – which is similar to deep relaxation and sleep. This brain wave pattern is continued even in the phase of wakefulness. This technique of meditation has been researched and studied extensively.
What are the Benefits?
Meditation benefit? There are immense physical benefits of transcendental meditation, which include higher creativity, retention, focus and mental comprehension. This also serves to reverse the process of ageing, and makes practitioners look younger than they are. On average, TM practitioners’ biological age is 12 years less than what their actual age is. There are positive effects of this type of meditation on age as well as conditions related to stress, like:
- Depressed cerebral blood flow
- Hearing loss
- Reduced visual acuity
- High blood pressure
- Insomnia
Some people have also claimed that practicing transcendental meditation lets people levitate, or fly. A few also report that its regular practice helps one to get paranormal or supernatural abilities, such as becoming invisible. Although such claims surrounding transcendental meditation stay unproven, it is a fact that this form of meditation is very popular and is highly researched.
Where to Practice Transcendental Meditation?
TM can be practiced anywhere, in medical settings, at home or even in the workplace, provided the area is peaceful and quiet, away from any disturbance. It is being prescribed by health professionals and doctors increasingly, to fight stress and anxiety disorders. With proper dedication and focus, it is possible to learn this form of meditation very quickly and easily.