Yoga for Beginners Weight Loss At Home

Asian old senior workout exercise and doing yoga at home
Are you tired of going through the daily grind every day with a lot of pain in the joints, muscles and bones? Do you hate to look at yourself in the mirror for the fact that the bulges show at all the wrong places? Yoga could be your answer to all these problems. This ancient system of exercises, mentioned in the old Indian medical treatises, can make you calmer, more active and fitter. It can also help you in losing weight. Here are some poses for yoga for beginners weight loss at home.
Boat Pose
It is a pose meant to benefit the entire body, and can improve your muscle strength as well as make your core muscles much stronger. It can also promote a healthy metabolism. You can burn more calories in the process, and the pose can help promote weight loss in your body.
How to perform this posture?
You have to follow all these steps:
- First, you have to sit straight on a yoga mat or some other padded surface on the floor. Extend your legs on the mat.
- Bend your knees next.
- Lift the feet up the floor, making it seem like your shin is in a parallel position to the surface of the floor.
- Now, stretch your hands out – keeping them in a parallel position to the floor surface.
- Retain this posture for about half a minute.
- Then release the posture. Do the pose for 5 more times.
Upward Plank Pose
As a beginner, this pose might be slightly tougher for you to perform. However, it can be quite effective for you to lose weight. Also, it can be very useful to perform this posture in case you want to have rock hard abs. In Yoga, the upward plank pose is undoubtedly one of the best poses that can aid you in losing excess weight.
How to perform this posture?
You are supposed to follow all these steps:
- You have to sit with the legs straight and extended before you.
- Keep the hands behind the hips. Make sure that your fingers point to the direction of the feet.
- Now rise gradually, keeping the feet pointed and straight.
- As you try to raise yourself, try to pull back your head.
This is exactly the opposite of the position of push-up, and can seem to be slightly tough to perform in the beginning. However, as you practice the pose more and more, you can get more perfect at it and do the posture more easily. You can feel fitter and be able to knock off excess pounds more easily from your body. Thats why we made yoga for beginners weight loss at home.
Warrior Pose
This is named so, because you have to assume the posture of a warrior in order to perform this specific pose.
How to perform this posture?
You need to follow these steps:
- Keeping the feet together, stand completely upright.
- Extend the legs back and forth.
- Next, bend your front knee. Make sure that the back knee is in a parallel position to the floor.
- Elevate the hands above the head.
- Hold this posture as much as is comfortably possible for you. Do not put yourself under stress, as that might cause pain to you otherwise.
- Change over to the other side. Repeat then above steps in this side as well.
Trikonasana Pose
Triangle pose is extremely useful for various health problems. It is important to know that it does not help in weight loss directly. But when you perform this yoga pose regularly, it can improve digestion and be able to reduce fat deposits in the tummy. Thus, if you have generous amounts of belly fat, this can be the best yoga pose to try. This posture also helps build muscles, which can aid your body in reducing fat.
How to perform this posture?
You have to follow all such steps:
- Raise the hands overhead, and stand completely upright.
- Next, widen the legs in a sideways direction.
- Stretch down, touching the same feet with your hand, assuming a triangular shape.
- Make your upper hand face the ceiling straight, along with the eyes.
- Keep in this pose for about 5 to 7 seconds, before returning to the original state.
- Now repeat the posture on the other side.
Sun Salutation
This pose, referred to as ‘Surya Namaskar’, is quite a popular pose that helps reduce the amount of fat in the belly area. There are about 12 breathing poses that help in toning up the muscles throughout the body. This yoga pose also consists of a number of other poses.
How to perform this posture?
Here is how to practice this pose:
- Stand completely erect, keeping your spine upright.
- Breathe in deeply and raise the arms over your head.
- Next, bend forward and breathe out.
- Jump back on your feet, and return to the plank pose.
- Keep the posture for about 5 total breaths.
- Drop down your knees, and put your lower body on the surface of the floor.
- Stretch your legs out, keeping your hands beneath the shoulders.
- Next, breathe halfway in to assume the Cobra pose or Bhujangasana.
- Change to the Downward Dog Facing Pose or Adho mukha svanasana by breathing out.
- Maintain this posture for as many as 5 breaths.
- As you breathe out, jump up to the feet atop the floor. Bend your body.
- Breathe in. Raise the arms up over your head.
- Breathe out and relax.
The Sun salutation involves a number of steps. As a beginner, it can be slightly tough for you to remember all of these and practice the steps one by one. However, with regular practice, you can get rid of your excess weight like a pro.
The Cobra Pose
It is also referred to as Bhujangasana, and the name comes from the fact that the body of a practitioner assumes the form of a Cobra while performing it. It can be quite beneficial in helping you to reduce excessive fat from your abdominal muscles and the upper body. But for pregnant women, this specific pose is not recommended to be performed.
How to perform this posture?
Here are the steps to the pose:
- Lie on the mat, facing downwards. Keep the feet on the floor flat. Keep the palms down on the mat, to either side of your body.
- Use both hands to press the floor. Ensure that your fingers are immediately under the muscles of your shoulders.
- Gradually pull the shoulders, a little backwards.
- Concentrate on the abs and try to bend back even more, pulling the belly button to the direction of the spine.
- Keep the feet, hips and hands on the floor firmly, and try to lift the upper torso up. Make sure that your chin points upwards.
- Hold the posture for as many 4 to 5 full breaths.
- With each exhalation, try to push your body higher.
Downward-Facing Dog Pose
The Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog pose) is another excellent posture that can aid in losing weight.
How to perform this posture?
You need to perform this pose in the following steps:
- Lie on the floor. Keep the belly on the mat.
- Lift the body gradually with limps. Assume the posture of a small mountain.
- Keep yourself in this position for a few seconds, while feeling the strain in the stomach area.
- Go back to the original position and go on performing it.
Chair Pose
As you might understand from the name, this posture needs you to pose in such a way, as if you are trying to sit on a chair.
How to perform this posture?
Follow these steps to perform the Chair pose:
- First of all, stand erect – keeping the arms right over the head and your legs together.
- Bend both knees at the same time, although not too much. However, you need to be able to see your feet as you look downwards in this specific posture.
- Stay in this pose for half a minute, before you relax.
- Now repeat the process. When you perform this pose, it can put your muscles and thighs under strain. This can help reduce the excess amount of fat that is absorbed by your body.
Seated Forward Bend Pose
It is an intense Yoga posture that can give your whole back a deep stretch, right from the heels to your neck. It can help manage your stress levels, and control all the things that can cause you stress and lead to loss of weight.
How to perform this posture?
You have to follow all these steps:
- Sit upright. Keep the legs straight on your yoga mat.
- Bring the arms to each side straight. Then, gradually bring them over the head.
- Breathe in and draw the spine up, completely straight.
- Bend forward while you breathe out, and use your hands to try and touch your feet.
- With every breath that you take, elongate your spine. With each breath that you let out, deepen to the forward bend. After you completely hold the feet bending forward, you can become an expert at this pose.
The Gas Releasing Pose
Known as Pavan Muktasana, it helps release the gas trapped in the body which leads to bloating, thereby improving the process of digestion. It is among the effective poses in Yoga that can help reduce belly fat and lose excess fat from the body.
How to perform this posture?
These are the steps that you must follow:
- Lie on the floor straight, on your back, keeping the legs stretched out.
- Fold the knee of any of your legs.
- Bend the knee a little, and try to touch it to the chest area.
- Lock your knees, keeping the arms around it.
- Next, lift the neck to the front and attempt to touch the nose to the knees.
- Hold this pose for a few seconds. Try to repeat it on your other side.
- Next, try doing this with both of your legs at the same time. This will make you look like you are in a fetal position.
All these yoga poses are very effective in weight loss, provided you perform these regularly. While you might not see any change in weight in just one day or one week, over a period of a few weeks and months, you can definitely observe changes in your body shape. You will look more toned and feel fitter, less painful and more active. Other than promoting weight loss, these Yoga poses can aid in your physical, mental and spiritual improvement. You can feel like a different human being, completely.
Other Effective Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
These include:
- The Raised Feet Pose (Uttanpadasana)
- The Half-Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)
- The Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottasana)
Power Yoga is regarded as a suitable weight loss intervention, and can aid in the prevention of obesity. The Eagle pose or Garudasana happens to be among the best options for weight loss, and can be ideal for all those who would like to have thinner hands, arms, legs and thighs. The Twisted Chair pose is another great Yoga asana to lose weight. It exercises the glutes and quads, boosts the digestive system, and helps improve the lymph system as well as tones up the abdominal muscles. The Bridge Pose or Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana is also an effective weight loss posture, and has multiple other benefits for the body – such as reducing back pain, strengthening the back muscles, regulating the hormones and more.
A number of powerful Yoga postures are there, which are extremely essential for the body to lose weight effectively. If you wish to get rid of excess weight without feeling drained and exhausted out of exercising, Yoga can be a great option for you to try.
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