Yoga Poses Lotus – What is It?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio at Pexels
Yoga Poses Lotus – What is It? Introduction, Lotus Posture is likely the most well-known yoga pose currently, even among non-yoga practitioners. Many people believe it to be the “basic” yoga stance. Lotus is a popular meditation posture, and many yoga courses start or conclude with it. Lotus Position, on the other hand, is a more complex pose that is just not recommended for beginners. If you’re a novice or have little mobility in the lower body, consider Easy Pose (Sukhasana) as an alternate sitting posture.
The Sanskrit term for this posture, “Padmasana” (pahd-MAHS-uh-nuh), is derived from the Sanskrit word “Padma,” which refers to the lotus flower. Your legs become more like the petal of a lotus flower, softly sliding open in the full posture.
How To Perform Yoga Poses Lotus?
As Lotus necessitates a high degree of flexibility, be careful to include lots of hip-opening postures in your usual practice before attempting it. Here is how you can perform the yoga poses lotus:
● With your legs outstretched, recline in Dandasana on the mat. Bend the knees out to the left and hold them in your hands, along with your feet. Bend your knee from the hips (rather than the knee) and place your feet in the crease of your left hip.
● Rotate your left knee and rotate your thigh outwards from the hip, as you did with your other. Raise your shin gently and cross your left foot across the right, tucking it into the hip groove.
● Settle your tips of feet on your upper legs and lower your knees to the ground. Make sure your ankles don’t sickle.
● Raise your sternum and stretch your spine by sitting tall. Lying on a folded sheet may assist in preventing the spine from curving.
● Take deep breaths and hold the position for as long as you feel safe.
Lotus Pose Variation – Half Lotus
If you find full lotus difficult, you can perform its variation. If the full Lotus is too much for you, try Half Lotus, with one leg curled into the opposing hip and another under another knee.
Lotus Pose’s Health Benefits
Lotus Pose is thought to induce relaxation and help the individual settle for profound meditation. It also stimulates the spine and back muscles while stretching the ankles, knees, and hip. This position also improves blood circulation in the lower spine, which can help alleviate menstruation pain and suffering in the reproductive organs of females.
There are various health benefits of the Lotus Pose. Even if you feel lazy, you should at least perform a lotus pose every day with full focus.